“Prato: a signature for Peace”, a symbolic moment, the opening of a new path towards the construction of a different idea of social cohesion for the city. A true bet for all youngsters living in the city, now expected to develop their potential, and become true local leaders in their community, as everywhere in the world. This was the sense of the event organized by the City of Prato, in Italy, together with Rondine on 15 February 2020, during which the Mayor has signed the Leaders for Peace campaign Appeal.
The City Parliament had already voted and adopted a resolution to endorse the Appeal of Rondine’s Leaders for Peace global campaign in December, 2020; on 15 February the Mayor of Prato, Matteo Biffoni, kept the promise and signed the Appeal in the City Hall’s most beautiful hall, the City Parliament Hall, in front of students from Rondine and local schools, the President of the Province of Prato Francesco Puggelli, the President of the City Parliament Gabriele Alberti, the Vice President of Cassa di Risparmio di Prato Foundation, Stefano Betti, and Mariagrazia Ciambellotti, director of a local high school.
The campaign appeal was read by Lana, a Rondine student from Georgia, and two Italian students, Benedetta and Benedetto. Benedetta has had the opportunity to attend Rondine’s “Fourth Year of Excellency” in Arezzo together with another fellow Pratese young woman, Luisa, of Chinese origins.
The city of Prato has a long, proven record in promoting intercultural coexistence and peace between different communities and ethnic groups living in the city, and the experience lived in Rondine by Benedetta and Luisa could represent a clear example of how the values of the campaign and the Rondine Method could be applied in very different national and international contexts.
Matteo Biffoni, Mayor of Prato, said: “It is necessary to take action, to stand for our values, exactly as Rondine does – looking forward to the one and only possible direction, the righteous one, the one that creates bridges, and destroys walls”.
By signing the Leaders for Peace campaign Appeal, Prato has become the first city in the world to do so.