

“Signing the campaign’s Appeal, today, has been a true honour; I hereby formally commit to support and promote the Rondine Method, which I deeply value and share”.

These have been the words Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee – EESC, has pronounced right after signing the Leaders for Peace campaign Appeal, thus, formally joining the campaign. The campaign has been launched and promoted by Rondine’s international students. They ask all 193 UN Member States a concrete step towards more training opportunities for young peace leaders capable of bringing change in conflict areas, globally.

“I am proud to be the first President of a European institution to sign the Appeal among other prestigious, committed international actors – comments Jahier – By fostering peace and the wellbeing of its citizens, the European Union represents a symbol of the values Rondine and this campaign promote. Rondine is the best developed peace project that I have observed so far, and we all hope it can continue its activities for a long time to come”.

Jahier’s signature under Rondine’s Appeal is the third one after the Governments of Italy and Costa Rica. The EESC President has signed the Appeal during an online event, “Leaders for Peace: a concrete proposal in supporting youth leadership”. The event has represented an opportunity to know more about the EESC and similar institutions in promoting peace, their programmes on the topic and – as observed by Sandro Calvani, Mae Fah Luang Foundation – good practices and methodologies to teach what peace actually is. “So, are we teaching anything innovative? The ability to live a change in such a deep way to be then capable to transfer it to others – said Calvani – this is exactly the precious gem Rondine invented, and we hope this method could become the one of armies, Governments, Ministries. We are happy that today it is becoming the method of the EESC”.

Italy’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Marina Sereni, who was among the event’s speakers, underlined that the Italian Government has been the first one, globally, to concretely join the campaign through the personal commitment (and signature) of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, back in 2019. “Italy is here to support this campaign. The Government is proud of what this campaign is achieving. I know Rondine since a long time and I had the opportunity to see it work, in person. I believe the Rondine Method is effective, and that it is important to make it renown globally. Seen from inside the Ministry, the world is plenty of these conflicts the Rondine Method describes as based on false truths, on cultural deceits. It is surely impossible to cancel all conflicts, but the Rondine Methods provides good tools to overcome them, to build dialogue, reciprocal understanding. It teaches us that it is possible to defeat the idea of enemy itself by paving together new, positive paths”.

Current Rondine students, together with alumni from the past, also took part to the event. All Rondine alumni belong to Rondine International Peace Lab – RIPL, Rondine’s alumni association which counts several international projects. In particular, RIPL recently launched two initiatives in Mali and Lebanon, building concrete support for all these populations which have been severely affected not only by conflicts, but also by catastrophic events of global geopolitical impact.

Finally, the President of Rondine, Franco Vaccari, expressed all his gratitude to Jahier for his concrete commitment by recalling Rondine’s approach, the one of asking “possible steps”. “We want to work on the verge of utopia, but in a way we can be able to transform utopia into reality – said Vaccari – The campaign’s requests to all UN Member States follow this philosophy: the possible step, on the verge of sounding risible, yet, without losing a universal vision. We are sure that this campaign has a huge educational potential for the entire world”.
